Sep 5, 2011

the last lap.

Well, my friends! Here is the beginning. I’m excited to soon go on this journey with you guys! In just a few short weeks I’ll leave the west and travel (well, to the west, in order to get to the) east, to a new adventure in Southeast Asia. First and foremost, I’ll be living there. It’s not a trip. It’s not a break from the norm. It’s my life. And you know what, I’m standing on the shoulders of giants. So many have gone before me, before us. It’s not like I’m anything new or fancy or different. And a lot of days, I don’t think I am ready. But I am willing. And I’m hoping, in some big ways, to be the Jason Lezac where I’m headed. You remember that race?

The Last Lap

Lezac is forever remembered to most of us, and to a lot of the French do as well. But it wasn’t because he did anything awesome on his own, even though he did. He is remembered because he was a part of that team. He stood on the shoulders of his team members. He finished the race. And that’s my goal. That I would press on toward the goal to win the prize for which I’ve been called.

Standing on the feet of giants, my friends. And soon, this blog will be filled with the life and adventures that I live day in and day out in that place. Thank you for walking this road with me. I have some exciting things in place for this little blog of mine. Things to keep me going here when I feel like I have nothing to write about. Because the cup that I’ve been handed is abundant. The cup we’ve all been handed is abundant. In so many ways, but abundant it is.