Oct 31, 2011

lost in translation.

Welllll, this title applies to so many parts of my life right now! Especially considering I told a girl who is about my age today that I was 32 years old. She got a good laugh out of that one! And then when she told all the other salesgirls the story, they also roared with laughter that could be heard for quite a while throughout the store! It’s great to be the free entertainment.

It’s also great, though, to be so entertained by it all. I think I generally understand about 8 to 25% of what people are saying to me, so I just laugh and nod and hope I’m not agreeing to anything I don’t want to do! Today, Rachel and I went to the store down the street from our house, and I just wanted to share with you the treasures I found. All of these are, in fact, real t-shirts found only here in Southeast Asia! And my friends, these are only a drop in the bucket. Please enjoy…


Please note that it says, “Mr. Cupcake!”


Every day…


How great, a “Beartterfly!” Who knew?!


Haha, this applies to a few things in my life…


Some are poignant reminders of why we’re here…


And some are just too true!


Get the emotion…Haha, maybe like “We’ve got spirit!!”


I think this one might be my fave, of course…the sentimental one!


Universal cereal bus?


This is a tough competitor for my favorite…oh, Southeast Asia!

Oct 24, 2011


Now, I’ve always been one who has been excited for the first day of school, and if you know me, I’m sure you believe that. When Liz and I lived together our freshman year of college, I definitely made her take a picture of me in my “first day of school” outfit.

Listen, laugh it up. It’s the little things in life.

Today was no different. Today was my first day of language school. We got up, and I got ready. I sported an awesome “Enjoy Coke” T-shirt and a new pair of earrings. Looking fly, and hip, and cool. Needless to say, the only other person in my class was Rach, but it didn’t matter to me. The becak driver I’m sure thought that my shirt was really cool…right? Anyways, we head on over to the community center.

Well, y’all, what I didn’t anticipate was how much this was going to feel like the VERY FIRST day of school I ever had. You know, like the very first one. Like back in Kindergarten, where you’re 5 years old, and you feel like everything is way too hard? I stand here now telling you that it is a very humbling experience to repeat each letter of the alphabet back to your teacher. And mess the letter sounds up. More than once. Good grief, why does English have to make us Westerners into such good aspirators, because they don’t do much of that around these parts?!

Humbled. Daily.

That’s what the next 3 months are going to look like. Am I sure I signed up for this?

I kid, I kid. I love it. It was great being able to walk out of our house today and have a 2 minute conversation with a local. Now granted, all I could ask was “May I introduce myself?,” “What is your name?,” and “Where are you from?,” but they understood and we conversed! Then, inevitably, I ran out of words. Me…run out of words!? I can’t believe it either! Every time I spoke the other person and I would end up laughing, then I would say thank you and goodbye. But that’s how relationships start, right? Laughter? I mean, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bonded with some new friends over a good laugh. And these new friends that live all around me, well they are in for a treat, because I’ll be providing countless hours of entertainment for the next couple months!

Bring it on!  

Oct 21, 2011

one of us. one of them.

I think we all tend to have a mentality that we are not like some people and that we are very much like others. At least for me, I know I struggle with the “insider/outsider” mentality often. Being here is no different. When you don’t really know what to expect, or when you have false expectations, for me, it sometimes leads to this disconnect between people that is a barrier, you know? Basically, I was dealing a lot with feeling like “one of them” instead of “one of us.” So many things the Father needs to set right with His word. Faithfully, He does.
You know, the outsider mentality will always be present here to some extent. I’ll always be a foreigner, and I get that. What I forget too often is the similarities though – and that’s where relationships happen. We’re not so different.  So on the days I feel so disconnected, from anything and everything, experiences like these pop up:

I was sitting in on a class today, and we were discussing influence – what it meant, what it was, why it was important, how you do it, etc. These are some advanced English college students, and their English is sometimes better than my own!

After we had read through the passage several times, one student asked, “What is essential in this paragraph?” He was talking about the main definition of influence. It was a good question. And you know, the paragraph started by talking about reaching your dreams, visions, goals. We deduce that before you can really influence someone, you have to have a dream, a vision, a goal, something that you can influence them toward. So, the teacher starts by saying, “Do any of you have dreams?” And nothing. No real response. No one really volunteers, but you can hear this quiet, muffled discussion amongst the students.

Then, he asks the right question.

“How many of you don’t have dreams?”

No one volunteers. Everyone does have dreams of course. And we go on to talk about those, about who has influenced us, about who our heroes are, on and on.

And I don’t know what it was about that moment in time that meant so much to me, but it really did. You know, I’ve known for so long that I’m coming here. I’m known for so long that I wanted to love these people, that I wanted to help people, that I wanted to make a difference, that I wanted to be obedient. What I didn’t realize is how much I would learn from them and about them, and how much more I would love because of it. What I didn’t realize is, that although our language is different, our culture is different, our way of life is different, and so many other things - we’re not so much different. We are, but we’re not. And the longer I spend with these people, the more I realize that the pursuit is the same. We’re all trying. We’re all searching for something. And we’re all striving. We want to be better, or to find what better really is. The more I feel like I’m a part of the “one of us.”

This life is full. It is overwhelming at times (i.e. now). It is busy and loud and quiet and calm and intense and slow and fast and happy and sad and scary and thrilling. There is so much. Each one of us has an abundant cup. An overflowing well of experiences and emotions and thoughts. I’m so thankful for a Father that I can bank on in the overwhelming times.

A Father who has put everything in my cup.

Oct 20, 2011

one week.

Today, for your reading enjoyment, I thought I would compile a very short list of some great (and less than great) moments over the past week. Today marks one week that I’ve been here on this beautiful island.

1. On the way out of the airport, I got stopped by a group of women and children yelling “Bule! Bule! Bule!” (Boo-lay). Apparently this means foreigner. And apparently it does not mean stranger! Got my photo taken with lots of them!

2. Indonesian Curry. My first authentic meal here. Our house helper made it. Chicken, potatoes, and sauce…can it get any better?

3. I explained what a “diva” was to my new friend and how she was one. The first time I met her. And did my friend JB’s awesome hand motions. I’ll chalk it up to jet lag.

4. I fell asleep sitting at a table in the community center. My sweet friend was trying so hard to keep me awake until nighttime!

5. COFFEE. Do you know how many kinds there are here? Too many to count. And it is all strong. And delicious. And wonderful. Christmas presents for everyone?!

6. I bought a cell phone. The nicest one I’ve ever had. And everyone texts (or SMS, if you’re Asian) here…I feel like a celebrity. (But I don’t have a big head…promise!)

7. I ate some of the most delicious fried rice in the entire world. My new friend showed Rach and I around the city. And her motto about food, “No spicy, no taste!” I think I might adopt the same!

8. The second night we were here, we experienced one of the first of many power outages. What we didn’t realize was that we could’ve turned it back on a few hours later…I slept in an oven, more or less. Haha, slept might be a relative word.

7. BUT, it is okay. All for the sake of the Name, yeah? The next day, our neighbors found out about the power (which, by the way, we could’ve turned back on had we known how), they graciously allowed us to SHOWER at their house. Day 3 in country, showering at a stranger’s (now friend’s) house. How’s that for hospitality?

8. One word. Becak. A small little way to get around town before I start driving. Basically an experience in and of itself….

9. KFC. Yes, we have one. And they do have french fries, but they cost more. What do you normally get with your meal? Why rice, of course! What else is there in Southeast Asia?!

10. The grocery store. Y’all, I am a spoiled women. So much delicious food. And the one we went to, well they say it’s for foreigners, but I’m just thankful that there are things written in English!

11. Okay, so I might as well mention it. There is a lot of honking. HONKING. All the time. It’s not rude, but just as you’re about to fall asleep, HONKING. Haha, and oh the traffic…and this would be a mild experience…

12. The wedding. I went to a traditional wedding on Sunday. Apparently, karaoke is very popular here, even at weddings. So I heard lots of my new language, as well as English, as well as something in between the two! Some of my favorites were “Somewhere Out There,” “Quando, Quando, Quando,” and “Only Fools Rush In.” My friends, I think I have found a new love, haha!

13. Friends. I’m so thankful to have sweet friends who cook for me, invite me over, SMS me, take care of me, make me wear a helmet, and love me already. Such a overwhelming blessing!

14. One of the loudest things I’ve encountered is the call to prayer at the mosque about a block away from our house. It happens 5 times a day, the first of which beings at 4:30 AM. This non-morning person is struggling a bit with that! Good reminder of where I am though, you know?

15. I cooked my very first meal. First of all, it was spaghetti, BUT it was fancy spaghetti, haha!

16. I bought some hair spray. When I used it this morning, one might’ve thought I sprayed bug spray. Oh no friends, that’s my hair that smells like that. Send me some please Mom?

That’s a little glimpse of my first week here. Father is doing some great things in my heart for sure. Thanks for remembering me. The cup I’ve been handed, my friends – it’s abundant.
More stories to come…

Oct 15, 2011

the sun.

I remember reading several years ago in one of Big Dave’s books about a trip he took. I’m not sure I can remember the whole story, but it begins with him asking the question, “Why did no one ever tell me?”  I had a similar experience to his on my way over here…

I’m sitting in Moscow. Waiting to take off on my last leg to head over here. It is the grayest, gloomiest day outside. I’m sitting in the airplane, looking out the window as we take off. Well, you know what happens when you take off, you go up. So, that’s what happens. And I wait for it…wait for it…waiting for us to break through the clouds. And then I think, “Why didn’t anyone ever tell me?” You break through the clouds to see the bluest of skies and the bright sun. It is glorious. I mean, I’ve flown some places before, and this isn’t something new. I can’t get over it though. Right above the cloud line, no matter how dreary it looks where I walk most of the time, the sun is shining just as it always does.

It has so many implications for my daily walk. The sun, you know, it is always there. The clouds veil it, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is always present. It is. In the same way, the Father is. And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to Him must believe that He is and that greatly rewards those who seek Him.

I never doubt the sun is. I never doubt the sun is when the clouds cover it. And when these light and momentary troubles come, when this present darkness seems overwhelming, and I am confident that Father is. I’m so thankful that I can fix my eyes on the Son, who never ceases to shine light on us. 

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. – Brother John (1:4)


Oct 13, 2011

culture moment.

You know, in this learning process that I’m experiencing, I figure you guys can go along for the ride. So I’ll put in installments of “culture moment,” in order that you can do some learning about my corner of SEA as well! I’ll post a lot of these at first, I’m sure…learning some great stuff everyday.

Culture moment of the day:

In the restroom, one stands immediately in front of the stall door when waiting for it, not in a line. Upon finishing your business and opening the door, expect said person to be staring you in the face (and to go ahead and push past you to proceed with her business should you not know what she's doing)!

So, of course, I’m here! It’s more than I expected in every single way. So overwhelming. So precious. When we are weak, He is strong! I’ll write more later when I have time, probably this weekend!

Here are a (very) few photos of our house and some of the city. I’ll post more soon. Love y’all!


Outside our sweet house. Can’t believe it! So great.


I forgot to take a picture of my room…I’ll do that soon! Here’s some of the inside. :)


Nasi goreng kari. Delicious! And Martibe – juice from some magical place. Oh, right Southeast Asia. :)

Oct 6, 2011

eight weeks.

Who knew you could experience so much in just 8 short weeks? The time I spent at the farm is forever unforgettable. I was thinking today about all of it – about what I learned, about the experiences we had, about class, about the weekends, about the earthquake, about everything. I resolved that there are no truer words than these, “If you was not here, I would be crazy.” My sweet little sister wrote that on a picture she drew me that hung in my kitchen(ette). It is only because she heard her big sisters say that to one another time and time (and time) again that she decided she’d write that to me.

Get this – it’s so true though.

If you (and you know who you are) would not have been with me, I would have gone crazy.

Let’s just be honest, most people think I’m borderline out of my mind. So many people walking this road could say the same thing. And what’s normal anyway? Now, don’t hear what I’m not saying. I know that I probably wouldn’t have actually gone crazy. These people in this place though, time and again kept me walking when I wanted to stop. For every game, every comedic relief (haha!), every lesson learned, every heart shared, every note, every car ride, every night away for dinner (can I get some agreement here?!), every bit of retail therapy, every kind word, every listening ear…good grief, I am so thankful. Most of all, for every memory made. And there are lots…

Learning some sweet dance moves the first day there.

A couple laps around the farm with a much loved sister.

Tie-dyeing with my family for my sweet seester’s 11th birthday. And the dance party. And the diva tat.

IMG_1822 (2)

Dinner with ere’body at the wise one’s house. Naming some names and puttin' a ring on it.

Catchphrase. Sistern. Wide-eyed. Ahhhh! Scratching an itch.

Photo booth during finances class.


Bonfires. Music. MUSIC.

The second bread.

A drive with some good rap music and a nice system.

Missing the garage sale, but a good brother bringing me some cheesecake to make up for 6 hours of class on a Saturday!

96 Diet Cokes.

King’s Dominion. The tallest rollercoaster I’ve ever ridden. United adrenaline junkies. And…the fireworks at the end of the night.


Rob the jewelry store, and tell ‘em make me a grill.

Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.

Please catch this!

Hurricanes and birthdays and family. Pin the tail on the LEMUR!


Football. I said it’s great….to be….a Georgia Bulldog. ; )


An earthquake. Well, I guess we’re done with class for today.

Dave & Buster’s. Lots of tickets…Meem’s birthday! And good times at Sweet Frog.


Starbucks. All 7 of them (if you count the ones in Target and B&N…). Yes, I went to every one.

Matt Papa, "good nights” from my awesome roomie, “our room,” and some 22D love.

Brats in the rain, and lots of dessert with our favorite SSLs.

Lunch at the Arby’s Ski Lodge.



The second bread.

Barnes & Noble.

You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

The Quad Father.

Our new SEAP Mom & Dad. So much love. Mom doing the worm. : )

SEAP time. Margaret. Being villagers. Laughing. Crying. Testimonies. Life for 8 weeks together. Anything else?


A rap about a boy named David.

A story about a calmed storm.


Coffee from a good friend, early in the morning…well, really all the time.

Some face painting. Some shots. Some bonding time in the medical clinic. Cool band-aids!

A trip to DC. Some good talks. Some embassies. Oh, and a Starbucks.


It’s all coming back to me now….wait, what?! Listen, you can’t record that!

Chick fil A. A gift to all mankind. ; ) Breakfast, lunch, & dinner.



A trip down Carey Street. Bottoms Up. Goat in the Garden.



Laughing. And laughing. And laughing. Laughing, laughing, laughing.

Every single day around that same white table, with some great people, some great inside jokes, and some really funny looks. “Manipulate”….say it with me…


So good, so so good to me.

What in the Sam James? Late nights doing nothing, but pretending like we’re doing something.

Frick & Frack.

Family. Commissioning. Sent out ones. 


Double Deuces going out.

I love y’all, and I will forever cherish that time. As a bunch of you get on a plane tomorrow, have already gotten on a plane, or your plane is still yet to come, know that we carry each other all over this globe. We’re never alone. He is with us, and He gives us each other. Love you like brothers. Love you like sisters. And He loves us like sons & daughters. Let’s go!

And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him…

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